
This website is born out of a long journey I’ve had with Fibromyalgia and other related conditions. And it’s all about pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Through trial and error, I am able to climb my way out of my illness and slowly but surely find my way back to an even a healthier lifestyle before I got sick. Because I got sick and tired of being sick and tired!

In 2007, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofascial Pain. Even then, it was a continual scavenger hunt as doctors, specialists and I would have to look and search for reasons why my body was malfunctioning! As I look back, my symptoms, though mild, likely began in high school as I saw clues back then; but it was in 2001, when my symptoms started to gradually increase in frequency & intensity.

And in the years of research and treatment, it became obvious that removing the sources of toxicity, living a healthier lifestyle and adopting a clean, wholesome diet would bring me back to balance. One of the first things I’ve incorporated into my treatment plan is eating more raw/live foods recommended by my Doctor of Osteopath.

Here’s where our island RAW granola(TM) comes into play. In the past, I’ve made raw foods on a regular basis & organic raw granola was always on the menu. But it wasn’t until I began eating it regularly that I saw some noticeable differences in my health. Plus, the granola was easy to store & I could always eat it while on the go.

Because a lifestyle change in eating was a big part of my healing, I naturally grew a passion for finding nutritious and healing foods. And took the next step to share this clean, wholesome, RAW goodness with the public! I began to share it with family & friends. They then encouraged me to sell it. I started taking special orders in person. Then I took it to craft & heath fairs. With the growing interest I began to sell it to the public in local coffee shops, health food stores & on-line on our website!

My hope is to also use my startup company to help bring accurate awareness to Fibromyalgia & Related Conditions as it still so misunderstood! There are so many people suffering from this debilitating condition.  I was that person at one point! And I remember hitting rock bottom and looking for help!  I felt hopeless, in despair and honestly, ready to die.  Today, my condition has VASTLY improved.  I’ve been told my some doctors in the past to not use a percentage to determine how my condition is today as there is no cure for Fibromyalgia.  I get it.

But all I have to say is my symptoms have GREATLY decreased! From approximately 40+ symptoms to 10 or below. I have teamed up with my friend Lisa Curley of Living Smarter with Fibromyalgia and will do my best to get the word out blogging about it as I’m able and point those interested to her website as we are motivated to get ACCURATE AWARENESS.

Check out her website

In summary, this website will consists of all things related to living a HEALTHY lifestyle. NOT perfect. But living a better quality of life by pursuing a healthier lifestyle.

DISCLAIMER: Information found on this site is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. Individual articles and information on other websites are based upon the opinions of the respective authors, who retain copyright as marked.
Visit Lirio’s Organics, LLC’s profile on Pinterest.

10 thoughts on “Aloha! :-D

  1. Congratulations again sis, and your family!!! So proud of you and your huge accomplishement! This is only the beginning! Enjoy your journey to more success!

  2. Very nice site! Thank you for how you share, care, and mentor others! You helped both of us so much with fibro, and many other things! God bless you!

    1. It is my pleasure! Your family has a special place in my heart. I am thankful for the time you spent at IGC and the opportunity to have gotten to know your family. Fibro is not an easy thing to go through…but what a blessing to have something where Christ can meet us and pull us out of it! He gives so much hope and healing!

  3. Maria I just want to take time out and thank you for taking the time out to talk to me today… I was blessing to finally meet and now know someone who understands what I am going with Fibromyalgia…. From the heart I truly thank you for your help today and for giving me the inspiration and motivation to continue my research into this what can be debilitating disease…. Again Thank you…. Greta website

    1. You are welcome Justine! And it is my pleasure! I just wish I can have more “feel good” days throughout the year so I can blog on a weekly basis. I am optimistic 2014 will give me more time to blog. I desire to use my website as a vehicle to help get the word out that Fibromyalgia doesn’t have to dictate what you can and cannot do. It is a long journey. But in our individual journey, we can find ways to deal with Fibro in a way where we can master it rather than mastering us. I hope you are finding what you need as you continue to research. And come back and visit as much as you can. I will be adding more info soon! Blessings and Aloha! 🙂

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